I have code here that copies a sheet from the workbook to the end of workbook renames it and clears the data from the original sheet copied the problem is it clears the content in the copied sheet also.

Sub CopyRename()
    Dim wsName As Variant
    Sheets("Reports").Unprotect Password:="Dan"
    Sheets("LinenData").Unprotect Password:="Dan"
    With ThisWorkbook
       Worksheets("Reports").Copy after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
    End With
    wsName = InputBox("Enter name for new worksheet", "New sheet")
    If wsName <> "" Then
        With ActiveSheet
            .Name = wsName
            .Visible = True
        End With
        Sheets("Reports").Protect Password:="Dan"
        Sheets("LinenData").Protect Password:="Dan"
    End If
End Sub
Thanks for the assistance fellow Excellers!
