Hello All,

I need to create hundreds of copies of a single file and I'd like to use a macro to make my life not so terrible. I have a team of a few doxen agents who all need to complete a weekly tracking sheet. I use the GetValue function to import that data and as a result, i need the file name to be exactly what i have set it to. I currently spend too much time every monday creating new sheets with the correct name in each agent's file on our shared drive.

What i need is a macro that will allow me to open the master tracking sheet, then save a copy of itself with the filename of the current payperiod ending, like 10052012. The file would be exactly the same as the master but be named 10052012 and it would have been copied into each agent's folder by the macro. It would also be nice if i could provide the macro with the file name by usign a text box.

My programming experience is minimal at best and i'm lost on this one. Any ideas?

Thanks again, I really appreciate it.