Hello everyone. I have a large number of columns and rows with various data. Some of the data repeats too often. My main data is in columns K to BV, and extends down about 334,000 rows. New sections begin every 100 rows. I need some blank cells in each section.

What I would like to do is check columns K:BV every 100 rows. If the same value appears all 100 times in the column (i.e. in the section, which is why I need to check every 100 rows, since the same value could repeat in another section within the same column, which is ok; I only want to remove values if they repeat all 100 times within a section), I would like to remove between 5 to 10 of that value.

For example K1:K100 may contain the value "10". K101:K200 may contain the letter "V". L201:300 may contain the color "green". If "10" appears in every cell in K1:K100, then I want 5-10 of those to be blanked out. If "V" appears in all 100 cells in K101:K200, then 5-10 of those should be blanked out. Etc. etc.

A macro to do this automatically would be optimal, since there are so many cells. If a macro would be too complicated, then I could do it manually by inputting a formula on the side of the sheet to check if all of the values in K1:K100 match, and if so to return a certain value, then to copy and paste over my data and then find replace with a blank, but I'm not sure how to make that happen either. So if a macro would be easy to make, I would really appreciate it, but if a macro would be too difficult, then if someone could help with the formula to return a value if all 100 cells in a section match, that would be really appreciated too.

Thank you so much!