I found the following code which does almost what I want. Sheet4 has 6 columns of data, including blanks in some cells. Column A in Sheet4 has no blanks, and serves as a key to create new worksheets for each value in that column. In the first part of this code, it checks to see if any worksheets match the data in column a, and if not, it creates a worksheet with that name. After all of the worksheets are created, I need each row to be copied to it's corresponding worksheet, in the same format, including all blanks. I have that at this point. My problem is, when each row copies to the new sheet, it brings the value in column A with it. I need it to only copy each row, columns B through F from Sheet4 to the worksheet identified in column A in Sheet4. I know I need to replace the "EntireRow" entries with something else. Please help.

Sub HTH()

    Dim rCell As Range

    For Each rCell In Worksheets("Sheet4").Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
        If Not SheetExists(rCell.Value) Then
            With Worksheets.Add(, Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))
            .Name = rCell.Value
            End With
        End If

         Worksheets(rCell.Value).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2).EntireRow.Value = rCell.EntireRow.Value

    Next rCell

End Sub