Do you have some VBA Excel code to automate scatter plots? By that I mean, code that will do a scatter plot from rows 4,5,6, then a second scatter plot from rows 10,11,12, then a third from ... etc to the end of the worksheet. Each plot on a separate page and using a cell (or two cells, eg. B3,C3) from row 3 then 9 then ... as title and worksheet name. That would be a huge help.

I've already learnt that the range of a scatter plot must have a comma in it, as "B4:ABK4,B5:ABK6" rather than "B4:ABK6", in order for it to plot as a scatter plot rather than a line plot.

Each row triplet is of a different length, padded out with blanks, if that matters. Row lengths can be out to ABK but many are AN or shorter.

The start of Excel data looks like this:

KID t0 Rp/R* asini/R* Ttran f0 b/f0 t12 c asym trend SNR
6286155 638.6807 0.0381256 0.9381427 0.2655334 42863.3 0.0014536 0.0844421 0.25 0.539851 -0.1044898 5.47378
Time 638.2045 638.2249 638.2454 638.2657 638.2862 638.3066 638.3271 638.3475 638.368 638.3884 638.4089 638.4293 638.4497 638.4702
Transit 42856.67 42848.5 42850.32 42879.34 42861.99 42854.29 42868.6 42879.03 42884.2 42862.36 42871.86 42878.07 42858.68 42861.88
Fit2 42866.44 42866.31 42866.17 42866.04 42865.91 42865.77 42865.64 42865.51 42865.37 42865.24 42865.11 42864.98 42864.84 42864.71

KID t0 Rp/R* asini/R* Ttran f0 b/f0 t12 c asym trend SNR
6286155 653.2292 0.0465997 0.980868 0.2632751 42643.9 0.0017206 0.1689148 0.3 1.3397582 -0.2216394 7.08275
Time 652.6508 652.6712 652.6917 652.7121 652.7325 652.753 652.7734 652.7939 652.8143 652.8347 652.8552 652.8756 652.8961 652.9165
Transit 42644.41 42662.7 42659.36 42664.1 42640.14 42656.53 42636.55 42648.84 42652.41 42666.54 42654.88 42645.89 42647.96 42641.56
Fit2 42653.27 42652.94 42652.61 42652.27 42651.94 42651.61 42651.28 42650.94 42650.61 42650.28 42649.95 42649.61 42649.28 42648.95

KID t0 Rp/R* asini/R* Ttran f0 b/f0 t12 c asym trend SNR
6286155 704.6926 0.0742758 0.9763082 0.1458435 41550.8 0.0041799 0.0986633 0.35 1.1877923 -0.1661538 11.80875
Time 704.3246 704.3451 704.3655 704.386 704.4064 704.4269 704.4473 704.4677 704.4882 704.5086 704.5291 704.5495 704.5699 704.5904
Transit 41546.26 41544.59 41550.09 41556.88 41582.32 41552.61 41569.44 41569.32 41560.89 41580.93 41555.5 41562.73 41549.64 41521.17
Fit2 41561.46 41560.87 41560.28 41559.69 41559.1 41558.51 41557.92 41557.33 41556.74 41556.15 41555.56 41554.97 41552.3 41525.01