Hello, I've learned tons from these forums over the years but not found the answer to this particular question.

I have a spreadsheet which is filled with numeric simple data (Cell XX="10"), numeric formula data (Cell YY="=5+6"), and cellular reference numeric data (Cell ZZ="=XX*5+2").

In order to quickly differntiate which numbers are hard vs. those that refer to other entries (XX and YY differently than ZZ), I use a font color convention. Hard entries (XX, YY) are blue font color. Dependent entries (ZZ) are black font color.

I have these entries through multiple sheets in a workbook and want this font color scheme to persist throughout the needed sheets in the workbook (not all but most with specific names) without having to run a macro but rather having it run in the background continuously on those sheets.

I found many ways of programming font colors based on different triggers but cannot find this particular scenario. I have basic competency in VBA at best.

Please point me in the direction of code to create this scheme without manual font choice selection.

Thanks in advance.