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filling in data based on drop down list

  1. #1
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    filling in data based on drop down list

    Excel 2010

    I am completely stumped and extremely frustrated. Here is my problem (probably something easy, but my brain hurts too much to figure it out):

    I have a MASTER sheet that I use to create quotes. It contains all of the components of a building in column B. I want column C to be a drop down menu of lumber choices. Upon selecting the appropriate lumber for the job, I want Excel to automatically fill in column A with the supplier and column M with the price of that said item (D-L have other stuff not concerned with this task). In another sheet, DATA, I have listed the supplier of the lumber (A), the lumber to be selected from the drop down menu (B), and the price (C). I have made the drop down list just fine, but I cannot get Excel to fill in column A or M with the appropriate data. All it returns is "N/A"

    Here is the formula I am working with. =IF(ISBLANK(C36),"0.00",VLOOKUP(C36,DATA!A:C,3,0))

    When I select 2x4x8 from the drop down list in C, I want Excel to fill in SHOP in A and 2.19 in M.

    I do not want to use macros if at all possible.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: filling in data based on drop down list

    that looks like it should work (a simplified version would be =IFerror(VLOOKUP(C36,DATA!A:C,3,0),0) - unless you want the 0.00 to be text?)

    can you upload a sample work book for me to take a look at?

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  3. #3
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    Re: filling in data based on drop down list

    Thanks for the reply.

    I do want 0.00 not just 0 or blank. I have no preference how that is achieved.

    I have uploaded the file. As you may notice, because I certainly did this morning, Excel throws a fit when you open it--something about protected view. Probably has something to do with my weird formula. So after we get everything working, I would hope that warning goes away.
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: filling in data based on drop down list

    Maybe in A36 and copy down.



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  5. #5
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    Re: filling in data based on drop down list

    Thanks Fotis. This did work for the time being. We are experimenting with better ways to do our quotes and avoid mistakes. This eliminates the 2 most common mistakes we have--not changing the supplier and price when changing lumber size. This will also make it a ton easier when we have price changes or start stocking additional lumber sizes. We have a ways to go, but it is a step in the right direction! I wish Excel had a more straightforward way of doing this....

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