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Adding Labors From Main Doc

  1. #1
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    Adding Labors From Main Doc

    Hey Guys,

    Need help with what i believe should be a macro. I have my labors in Column A and the amount I payed them in Column D, the sheet is titled Main.

    I need to move all labors to Sheet "Pay" and add everyone. So every person and every amount is totaled. Running total Per person. Let me know if possible and if I am on right pay. Would be great help

  2. #2
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    Re: Adding Labors From Main Doc

    I know I could do this using a sumif but I have too many people and to big of a list(Dont want to miss anything). Thus wanting to create the totals based on the criteria.

  3. #3
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Adding Labors From Main Doc

    sumif() will do this for you. as a double check, you can always sum the totals from both your data and sumif() to check you have everything accounted for.

    if this is not what you want, i would suggest you upload a sample work book, (all sensitive data removed), showing what data you are working with, what your expected outcome is, and how you arrived at that

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  4. #4
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    Re: Adding Labors From Main Doc

    I dont want to spend the time making sure I have everyone on sumif. Is it possible to just make it run and create the running total per person? Attached is sample. It just has the stuff on main and pay is blank. Thanks
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Adding Labors From Main Doc

    probably an easier way to do this, but i copied all of sheet1, column A to sheet B column A. then used "remove duplicates" to...well...remove duplicates. then used this formula to hive the totals


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