Hi, I need help writing a few macros. Any and all help is welcome. Please ask any questions if you need more info.

First macro needs to be able to do this:

(2 workbooks - entry workbook and endpoint workbook)

From entry workbook:

Open endpoint workbook.
Select specific tab in endpoint workbook based on input (date) in the entry workbook (specifically - input would be a MONTH).
Insert a row in said tab, at a specific row # that is located in a predefined cell with a formula that does a countif + a value to amalgamate for any header rows.
Then copy + paste data from entry workbook into that newly created row.

Second macro needs to:

(2 workbooks - endpoint workbook and update workbook)

Double click cell in any row in a specific column.
Open update workbook (looks exactly like entry workbook from before)
Copy + paste data values from that specific row, that the cell was double clicked in, into specific locations in update workbook.

Third macro needs to:

(2 workbooks - same as last macro - update workbook and endpoint workbook)

Copy + paste data values from update workbook back into the same row that it just came from.
Delete the total rows (based on countif + value to amalgamate for header rows)
Then sort the data by a specific column.
Finally, insert the total rows based on a countif + value to amalgamate for header rows (which is located in predefined cell) the text "TOTAL W:", "TOTAL X:", and "TOTAL Y:" in their respective locations (obviously in the inserted row) along with the formula to sum that range in an adjacent cell/column (eg. =sum(A6:A12) because there are 6 rows with the value W in a specific column)

Again, any and all help is appreciated. Hopefully I'll be able to put something together with your help.

