I've heard of auto macros that will open up a work book on a certain tab and cell.

Is it possible to have a macros that automatically starts, which will open up a certain tab on a certain day AND time, and even quite possibly a certain cell on one of these days?

First scenario:

I have 4 tabs named "shift 1, Shift 2, Shift 3, and Shift 4" each shift will run 12 hours say 00:00-11:59 and then 12:00-23:59.

Shift 1 is Mon-Thurs Shift 2 Fri-Sun (both 00:00-11:59)

Shift 3 is Tues-Fri Shift 4 is Sat-Mon (both 12:00-23:59)

So what ever the current time / date is it will open that TAB

Second Scenario:

Same as above but depending on the DAY will select a certain cell
Monday - A1
Tuesday A2 and so on....

Would ANY of this be possible?????

Also this would have to work on the older excel (is it 2003????)

Many Thanks.