I have a worksheet with a table range of A12:AK1001, while the data that I have so far only goes to row 36, I would like to create a macros that would add row (keeping my current formatting) two rows down from the one filled so that I don't need to keep my table range going until row 1001 until I actually fill that many rows with data.
Some of the formatting I have is some columns have data validation dropdowns and color conditional formatting.

I am just starting to use macros coding, so explaining how or where to use the code you write is greatly appreciated


Row 1: Data
Row 2:Data
Row 3: Blank
Row 4: Blank
so, if I add data to row 3 the macros would allow this to happen:

Row 1: Data
Row 2:Data
Row 3: Data
Row 4: Blank
Row 5: Blank (created by macros)

It doesn't matter that if I delete the data on row 3, the row created by the macros stays.