Hi i have a little problem. I have 3 check boxes, with 3 different macro attached. I have made so i can only tick one check box at a time.
So when i tick the first checkbox one. the commandbutton will run the macro for that one attached.
But i cant make it work.
If i put these 3 codes one by one. It works fine. But if i try put them together i get an error.
My 3 codes are like this.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
Call SetWorksheet1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If CheckBox2.Value = True Then
Call SetWorksheet2
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
Call SetWorksheet3
End If
End Sub
So i want to use the same button (commandbutton1)

But here with 3 different macro attached to each checkbox
Checkbox1 = i Call SetWorksheet1
Checkbox2 = i Call SetWorksheet2
Checkbox3 = i Call SetWorksheet3

Please have a look and see what can be done, i feel little stucked now.

Thanks in advanc