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Auto saving data to the db with subsequent restoration should excel crushes

  1. #1
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    Excel 2003

    Auto saving data to the db with subsequent restoration should excel crushes

    Hello everyone. I am working on a tool which will save data from excel (every time cells data get entered/changed/updated) into the database (MS SQL) with ability to restore last snapshot from the database back into the excel file (i.e. if Excel crushed)? Can anyone point me into the right direction or share ideas on how to best implement this? My manager does not want me to build an external application (i.e. C# with some GUI) to manage the process so I guess I need utilize macro for that.

    Any leads will be greatly appreciated!

    regards, Alex

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: Auto saving data to the db with subsequent restoration should excel crushes

    Have a look at the ADODB object

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