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Ms Access and Ms Excel VBA - Dynamic Charts

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    Thumbs up Ms Access and Ms Excel VBA - Dynamic Charts

    Hello everybody,

    I have a strange problem. I must generate mutliple charts dynamically from a Ms Access database. The solution we wanted to implement is that we export all the Data in Excel, and from then we generate the charts. It's working fine when the charts are define statically. But when it's time to do it dynamically, it doesn't work.

    I'll give you an example :

    Set xlChartObj(4) = xls.Charts.Add
       cTypeChart = "Pie Chart"
       With xlChartObj(4)
          .ChartType = xlPieExploded
          .SeriesCollection(1).Name = "='Sheet1'!$A$4"
          .SeriesCollection(1).Values = "='Sheet1'!$H$4:$J$4"
          .SeriesCollection(1).XValues = "='Sheet1'!$H$3:$J$3"
          .ApplyLayout (6)
          .ChartTitle.Text = "Chart Example"
      End With
    That code is working well. But, when I'm adapting my solution in a function like :

    Private Sub ChartGenerator(ByRef xls As Application.Excel, ByRef xlChartObj As Excel.Chart, ByVal typeChart As Variant, ByVal titleChart As String, ByVal axisX As String, ByVal axisY As String, ByVal layout As Integer, collectionName, collectionX, collectionXVal)
       Dim x As Integer
       With xlChartObj
          .ChartType = typeChart
          For x = 0 To (UBound(collectionName) - 1)
             MsgBox "collectionName : " & collectionName(x) & " collectionX : " & collectionX(x) & " collectionXVal : " & collectionXVal(x)
             .SeriesCollection(x).Name = collectionName(x)
             .SeriesCollection(x).XValues = collectionX(x)
              If x = 0 Then
                .SeriesCollection(1).XValues = collectionXVal(x)
             End If
          Next x
          .ApplyLayout (layout)
          .ChartTitle.Text = titleChart
          'Assignation du nom de l'axe des X
          .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Text = _
          'Assignation du nom de l'axe des Y
          .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Text = _
       End With
    End Sub

    and the following code who calls the Procedure

    Set xlChartObj(0) = xls.Charts.Add
       cTypeChart = "Line Chart"
       ReDim collectionName(3) As Variant
       ReDim collectionX(3) As Variant
       ReDim collectionXVal(3) As Variant
       collectionName(0) = "='Sheet1'!$B$3"
       collectionX(0) = "='Sheet1'!$B$4:$B$24"
       collectionXVal(0) = "='Sheet1'!$A$4:$A$24"
       collectionName(1) = "='Sheet1'!$C$3"
       collectionX(1) = "='Sheet1'!$C$4:$C$24"
       collectionXVal(1) = ""
       collectionName(2) = "='Sheet1'!$D$3"
       collectionX(2) = "='Sheet1'!$D$4:$D$24"
       collectionXVal(2) = ""
       ChartGenerator xls, xlChartObj(0), xlLine, "Example", "$", "Values", 1, collectionName, collectionX, collectionXVal
    The problems is that I don't see the series at all in the chart and there is no error message. It's like it sees nothing. Do you have any idea, because it's working well with the static code ?

    Thank you for your help !

    Last edited by dagagnon; 12-05-2012 at 04:00 PM.

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