Hi Everyone,

I have spreadsheet that has two tabs. One the first tab, entitled 'Dashboard', I have the text along the lines of 'Search for a name here'

On the second tab, entitled 'Team List' I have the details of the team, eg name, address, emergency contact etc.

I recorded the following macro:-

Sub Search()
' Search

    Sheets("Team List").Select
    ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$X$397").AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:=Array( _
        "Bob Jones", _
        "David Jones", _
        "Sally Jones"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
End Sub
What I want to do is type in 'Jones' into the search area, the marco to copy and paste that ino the autofilter, and all of the names with 'Jones' be displayed.

The macro above works great for this, but if I enter 'Smith' it still displays the details for 'Jones'.

I think its because of the "Bob Jones", - "David Jones",- "Sally Jones") bit, but I dont know what the generic script for this would be.

Can anyone help?
