I am trying to delete rows when a string is found (suffix of a string) but I think its failing because the row count changes after a row deletion?

Sub Test
    'Remove rows where "Actual" string has -X-, -Y-, -Z- as suffix
    With Sheets("Sheet4")    'Loop thru Column A
        Sh4LastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        Set Sh4Range = .Range("A2:A" & Sh4LastRow)
    End With

    For Each Sh4Cell In Sh4Range
        If Right(Sh4Cell, 3) = "-X-" Or _
           Right(Sh4Cell, 3) = "-Y-" Or _
           Right(Sh4Cell, 3) = "-Z-" Then
            'MsgBox Right(Sh4Cell, 3)    'for testing
        End If
    Next Sh4Cell
End Sub
I seem to have to run the macro a few times to get all the instances.
How do I reset the loop every time a row gets deleted?

Any hints, tips or examples are appreciated.