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List Box dependent ComboBox, checking unique key

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    List Box dependent ComboBox, checking unique key

    Hi, I am very new to macro and VBA. I got a project which I really need help in excel so badly.

    I have attached the file here, hope you understand what I meant.

    The data are all in "Temp" Sheets. The problem I am having now is under "EditRiskRegistration" Sheet, UserForm,
    where I need 2 unique key in the userform, which are the Property(ComboBox) and Risk Issue(ListBox)
    Property data is from "Temp" sheets under property column while,
    Risk Issue data is from "Temp" sheets under riskissue column

    When the user select the unique property from the combobox,
    the unique risk issue value which link to the property will auto appear in the listbox,
    once click on the EDIT button, the unique information will show on the "EditRiskRegistration" Sheets
    but I only able to select the unique RiskIssue value in the listbox, and nothing appear in the comboBox, which I had try many times (I have deleted the code), Need help in this

    Another problem would be the SAVE button under "EditRiskRegistration" Sheet:

    Instead of overwrite the data by checking the risk issues, I need to overwrite the data by checking both th Property and Risk Issue,
    since risk issues is no longer unique key
    I don't know how to change my code by checking the property and risk issues data are unique instead of just Risk Issue column

    It may seem very easy to you, but I need help badly
    Am stuck the whole day by looking at the code.

    Thank You!
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