I have a spreadsheet containing links to various forms of guidance. Some of the guidance is on our intranet, some links to various emails that have been sent containing updates to procedures etc etc.

I want to make a kind of search engine to search by either date or keywords. So maybe a userform on Sheet1 and Sheet 2 would have a list with ColA for the date colB the subject line ColC would just have a hyper-link to the actual file/page.

Type in a date or more often than not a keyword, and then excel will search through the list and show any results containing the keyword on either Sheet1 below the search field or on Sheet3 as a results page?

I've attached a couple of screen shots with some a dummy sample -
SearchTool1 - Sheet 1 - Containing search box or userform which will contain the Keyword
SearchTool2 - Sheet2 - Contains the data to be searched.


Any help with this would be appreciated...Is it even possible? Fairly new to this but picking it up quickly, am I expecting too much?