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Run-Time error '6'

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Exclamation Run-Time error '6'

    Dear All
    I have downloaded a file with macro, but everytime when I run it, the Run-Time error 6 'Overflow' appears.
    I tried myself to modiy the macro, but does not help :

    Error line :

    For W1 = 1 To 6: If Draws.Cells(Br + 4, W1 + 1) = W Then StMas(W) = TMas(W, 1): TMas(W, 2) = 0

    Macro :

    Option Explicit

    Public Sub Cmd1_Click()
    Dim TMas(49, 2) As Integer, Br As Integer, kTeg As Integer, tTeg As Integer, StMas(49) As Byte, Br1 As Integer
    Dim MaxInt As Integer, BrTeg As Long

    Ans = MsgBox("Please confirm the operation and wait for 'Done' message box.", vbOKCancel)
    If Ans <> vbOK Then GoTo Krai:

    Application.Cursor = xlWait

    'calculating the total number of draws entered
    BrTeg = 1
    Do While Not Draws.Cells(BrTeg + 4, 2) = ""
    Draws.Cells(BrTeg + 4, 1) = BrTeg
    BrTeg = BrTeg + 1
    Draws.Range("a1") = BrTeg - 1

    'Intervals table Sint and draws index table Steg
    Sint.Range("a4", "ax1000") = "": Steg.Range("a4", "ax1000") = ""
    Sint.Range("a2", "ax2") = ""
    Sint.Range("t1") = Draws.Range("L2"): Br = 1: Steg.Range("t1") = Draws.Range("L2")
    For W = 1 To 45: For W1 = 1 To 2: TMas(W, W1) = 1: Next W1, W
    Do While Not Draws.Cells(Br + 4, 1) = "": tTeg = Draws.Cells(Br + 4, 1)
    For W = 1 To 45
    For W1 = 1 To 6
    If Draws.Cells(Br + 4, W1 + 1) = W Then
    TMas(W, 1) = TMas(W, 1) + 1: Sint.Cells(TMas(W, 1) + 2, W + 1) = TMas(W, 2)
    Steg.Cells(TMas(W, 1) + 2, W + 1) = tTeg
    TMas(W, 2) = 0
    End If
    Next W1
    TMas(W, 2) = TMas(W, 2) + 1
    Next W
    Br = Br + 1
    MaxInt = 0
    For W = 1 To 45: Sint.Cells(2, W + 1) = TMas(W, 1) - 1
    If TMas(W, 1) > MaxInt Then MaxInt = TMas(W, 1)
    Next W
    For W = 1 To MaxInt: Sint.Cells(W + 3, 1) = W: Steg.Cells(W + 3, 1) = W: Next W
    Sint.Range("T1") = tTeg: Steg.Range("T1") = tTeg

    'Current intervals table Tint
    kTeg = Draws.Range("A1")
    Tint.Range("a4", "ax1000") = ""
    Tint.Range("t1") = kTeg: Br = 1
    For W = 1 To 45: TMas(W, 1) = 0: StMas(W) = 0: Next W
    Do While Not Draws.Cells(Br + 4, 1) = "": Br1 = Draws.Cells(Br + 4, 1)
    Tint.Cells(Br + 3, 1) = Br
    For W = 1 To 45
    For W1 = 1 To 6: If Draws.Cells(Br + 4, W1 + 1) = W Then StMas(W) = TMas(W, 1): TMas(W, 2) = 0
    'For W1 = 1 To 6: If Draws.Cells(Br + 4, W1 + 1) = W Then StMas(W) = TMas(W, 1) = 0
    Next W1
    TMas(W, 1) = TMas(W, 1) + 1
    Tint.Cells(Br + 3, W + 1) = TMas(W, 1)
    Next W
    Br = Br + 1

    Application.Cursor = xlDefault
    MsgBox "Done.", vbOKOnly


    End Sub

  2. #2
    Forum Guru JosephP's Avatar
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    Re: Run-Time error '6'

    Your post does not comply with Rule 3 of our Forum RULES. Use code tags around code. Posting code without them makes your code hard to read and difficult to be copied for testing. Highlight your code and click the # at the top of your post window. For more information about these and other tags, found here

    if at first you don't succeed try doing it the way your wife told you to

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