Dear Friends,

I have a database for which i made a pivot table for report purpose.

in pivot table, i have some raw heads & values . And mainly in report filter, invoice received date.

In i need to prepare a report weekly. i have StartDate & EndDate in excel, need to update pivot table by filtering only those dates which comes under the start date and end date. or else RptDt1, RptDt2, RptDt3, RptDt5, RptDt5.

i haves some code, its not working properly, please help.

    Sheets("Pivot Report").Select
'    On Error Resume Next
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields( _
        "Date of Receiving from Vendor")
        .PivotItems("02/04/12").Visible = False
        .PivotItems(Range("RptDt1").Value).Visible = True
        .PivotItems(Range("RptDt2").Value).Visible = True
        .PivotItems(Range("RptDt3").Value).Visible = True
        .PivotItems(Range("RptDt4").Value).Visible = True
        .PivotItems(Range("RptDt5").Value).Visible = True
        .PivotItems(Range("RptDt6").Value).Visible = True
    End With
Thanks in Advance,