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Find cell in array, then go to that cell

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2007

    Find cell in array, then go to that cell


    I need help to figure out how i find a spesific value in a table (another Excel-file), and thereafter move to the cell that contains the actual value.

    I tried Vlookup, but i cant se how this function will help me get to the spesific cell - just returning a value from the row where the actual value exist.

    In Sheet1, cell A1 I have the actual value I want to look for inn column A in Sheet2. When I find the value, I want to copy A1:E1 in Sheet1 to AF:AJ in Sheet2, on the actual row where value in Sheet1 A1 is found.

    If anyone can help me, I would be very happy! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Find cell in array, then go to that cell

    Attach a sample workbook, otherwise some one will have to create one from scratch by guessing.

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    Ben Van Johnson

  3. #3
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    Re: Find cell in array, then go to that cell

    Yes of course, sorry for that.

    Find my samplefile attached.

    The values in sheet "Orders" are picked from another file by Vlookup-function, except the order number. Based on the order number, some other data are imported into the worksheet "Orders" from another Excel-file. Then, for the white cells you see, the user put relevant data. Then these data are copied to line 3 in "Help" (this is probably a pretty amateur way of doing this!). What I realy want to do is copying the values in "Help" B3:F3 to another woorkbook called "Database.xlsx",sheet "Ark1". This sheet contains already a lot of data tied to the relevant order (I have used order 18 as an example). I then want the data in "Help" (entered in white cells at "Orders") to be exported to "Database.xlsx" in sheet "Ark1") to the line where order 18 already are located, placed into empty cells in column AF:AJ.

    I thougt of a way to do this: Open the file "Database.xlsx" - go to the sheet "Ark1" - by SEARCH AND REPLACE find the actual order number in column A - than goto cell in column AF - copy the actual value - and so on.

    But someone maybe have a more elegant way of doing this?
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