I work at a realty company and am attempting to streamline the way we handle lockboxes. Currently we have to update a daily log (hand written), update an agent log (also handwritten) and then update a basic excel spreadsheet for the sole purpose of finding the code of the lockbox via agent or address. It's all very redundant and no one ever completes all the tasks so at the end of the day its just a hot mess. I'm fairly experienced with excel, but I'm attempting to use a user form so that those less experienced than myself do not mess something up in my absence and my user form experience is about as basic as you could get. I have a concept going, but I before I continue I wanted to know if the user form will be able to do everything I need it to do, before I figure it all out and realize it cant and need to rethink my gameplan. Also if anyone wants to point me in the direction of some helpful hints to accomplish these tasks, I'd appreciate it. I'm a little out of my element with the complexity of all this but i really want to make it as easy to use as possible.

What I need to do:

Enter data into a userform. Have that data logged on a sheet (as we have to keep a daily log and I've got this part covered including auto populating time data was entered) and here's where I'm out of my element, I need it to take the data I've entered and update the current location of the lockbox. For example, if one is being checked in, I need it to look via serial number on a sheet titled Current and update address, agent etc. (we use this current sheet to give out codes to lockboxes via addresses or agent name) I need it to log and update simutaneously. I currently have 2 buttons set up on the user form, one for in and one for out and i have both set up to log into the daily log, just having trouble figuring out how to make them then update the info in Current. Hence asking if it can be done. I'm hoping I dont have to do it under the sheets to make it update via last entry. I've had some issues with this in the past.

I'm experimenting with tabs on the user form and in a seperate tab, I need to be able to find a lockbox in the current sheet via address or agent (I was going to give it the same textboxes including serial number etc, so that we can use the find feature regardless of info entered) I know you can use user forms to search, but am unclear as to where it populates data it has found. I'd prefer it to populate outside of the sheet as I don't want any slipups and data inside the current sheet is accidentally change. Can you make it pop up inside the userform?

I'm not looking for coding help as of yet, I'm trying to get there on my own to learn. I just wanted to know exactly how indepth I'm going to have to go into my learning. I could do all this on a sheet via formulas and such, but that leaves alot of room for others to screw something up and I'm not about spending hours to find and fix where someone accidently deleted 1 character.

Ultimately, can you just protect a worksheet and the userform will still alter info, i'm guessing probably not? As I've said before, those under me who access this information can barely scroll a webpage and I'd like to prevent as much user error as possible.

In the end, and I saw somewhere that this can be done. I thought about adding an additional tab to create reports if you will. One that will show us all the lock boxes assorted by either agent or dates they have been on the property. I'm guessing this will be sort of an add on to how I do the find coding. It doesn't have to be pretty, just functional that we can print every so often to keep a hard copy.

Thanks in advance for help with this. I'm a little over my head but I guess that's just how I learn best! Usually I would just use access to accomplish most of this, but my company doesn't have access and teaching some of these people a new program... well I don't get paid enough for that. I am still assembling all of it so I haven't included a sample and even then, due to sensitive info, I may not be able to offer a sample. I'm just needing basic yes it can do that if you look into doing ...... or No you need to do .... to accomplish that.