i am using macro on this link by a guy call Karan http://superuser.com/questions/50647...ste-to-notepad.

this macro allows me to copy/paste multiple sellections as string.
select (using ctrl+click) cell b12 + c13 + d16 (then run the macro), it will copy/paste the values of those selected cell.
where as if you are using normal copy/paste in excel (right click + copy), you will be notified "that command cannot be used on multiple sellections"

now, what i want to achieve is that, when you select cell b12 + c13 + d16, the macro will copy values of cell i12, i13, i16.
meaning, no matter what cells you selected, it will always copy cell of column "I" (under that same row the cell was selected)

the closest thing i try, modifying the macro as follows:
Sub CopySelectedCells()
    Dim str As String
    For Each rangeRow In Selection.Rows
        For Each rangeCol In rangeRow.Cells(row, 9)
            str = str & rangeCol.Value & ","
        str = Left(str, Len(str) - 1) & vbCrLf

    With New DataObject
        .SetText str
    End With
End Sub
but above modification only allow you to select secificaly cell on column "A" (to get value of cell "I" being copied). if you select column B then it will takes value of column J which not what i was looking.

sorry for the long post.

can someone help modify the macro?