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Check if Directory is Empty and Provide Message

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    Forum Contributor
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    Dover, England

    Check if Directory is Empty and Provide Message

    I have adapted a wonderful bit of code to fulfil the renaming of my files however, when it runs it crashes if a the directory has nothing in it. Can some one advise/adapt the code to identify the directory is empty, display a message informing me that it is and go back to the browser.


    Sub PopulateDirectoryList()
         'dimension variables
        Dim objFSO As FileSystemObject, objFolder As Folder
        Dim objFile As File, strSourceFolder As String, x As Long, i As Long
        Dim wbNew As Workbook, wsNew As Worksheet
        ToggleStuff False 'turn of screenupdating
        Set objFSO = New FileSystemObject 'set a new object in memory
        strSourceFolder = BrowseFolder 'call up the browse for folder routine
        If strSourceFolder = "" Then Exit Sub
        'Clear old data
        Call CleanUp
        Kill ("C:\SNDATA\eReport\*.GIF")
        Set wbNew = ActiveWorkbook
        Set wsNew = wbNew.Sheets(1) 'set the worksheet
        With wsNew.Range("A1:B1")
            .Value = Array("File", "Full Path")
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 7
            .Font.Bold = True
            .Font.Size = 12
        End With
        With Application.FileSearch
            .LookIn = strSourceFolder 'look in the folder browsed to
            .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles 'get all files
            .SearchSubFolders = True 'search sub directories
            .Execute 'run the search
            For x = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count 'for each file found, by the count (or index)
                i = x 'make the variable i = x
                If x > 60000 Then 'if there happens to be more than multipls of 60,000 files, then add a new sheet
                    i = x - 60000 'set i to the right number for row placement below
                    Set wsNew = wbNew.Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(wsNew.Index))
                    With wsNew.Range("A2:B2")
                        .Value = Array("File", "Size")
                        .Interior.ColorIndex = 7
                        .Font.Bold = True
                        .Font.Size = 12
                    End With
                End If
                On Error GoTo Skip 'in the event of a permissions error
                Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(.FoundFiles(x)) 'set the object to get it's properties
                With wsNew.Cells(2, 1) 'populate the next row with the variable data
                    .Offset(i, 0) = objFile.Name
                    .Offset(i, 1) = objFile.Path
                End With
                 ' Next objFile
                 'this is in case a Permission denied error comes up or an unforeseen error
                 'Do nothing, just go to next file
            Next x
        End With
         'clear the variables
        Set objFolder = Nothing
        Set objFile = Nothing
        Set objFSO = Nothing
        Set wsNew = Nothing
        Set wbNew = Nothing
        ToggleStuff True 'turn events back on
    Call DeleteNonPrsParts
        Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
        Range(Selection, Cells(1)).Select
        Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End Sub
    Last edited by Tellm; 01-30-2013 at 06:17 AM.

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