Hi there,

I'm having a couple of issues that I need help with.

The first is an issue of date formatting. In my excel sheet the format for the date is DD/MM/YYY, since I'm from merry old England, but whenever a date is entered in this format on my userform and updated to the spreadsheet, it is flipped back to the American format MM/DD/YYYY. I have used the below to force it back to the format I need:

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
If MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to change this record?", vbYesNo, "Confirm edit") = vbYes Then
With Worksheets("Tasks")
  Rw = Worksheets("Tasks").Range("B:B").Find(Me.txtID.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart).Row
  .Range("C" & Rw).Value = txtTask.Value
  .Range("D" & Rw).Value = cmbSys.Value
  .Range("E" & Rw).Value = CmbName.Value
  .Range("F" & Rw).Value = DateValue(txtDateAdd.Value)
  .Range("G" & Rw).Value = txtLead.Value
  .Range("J" & Rw).Value = DateValue(txtForecast.Value)
  .Range("L" & Rw).Value = CmbStatus.Value
  .Range("M" & Rw).Value = DateValue(txtCloseDate.Value)
  .Range("N" & Rw).Value = txtComment.Value
End With
MsgBox ("Update Aborted")
End If

Me.txtID.Value = ""
Me.txtTask.Value = ""
Me.cmbSys.Value = ""
Me.CmbName.Value = ""
Me.txtDateAdd.Value = ""
Me.txtLead.Value = ""
Me.txtForecast.Value = ""
Me.CmbStatus.Value = ""
Me.txtCloseDate.Value = ""
Me.txtComment.Value = ""

End Sub
The above format does work, but there is not always a date in the boxes asking for a date, so they are left blank. This leaves me with the error: Run time error '13' Type Mistmatch

Is there anyway to get it to ignore if there are any blank date boxes? This has only cropped up since I added the DateValue( code to the textboxes that are used for a date format.

The other issue I am having is I have been messing around with the use of a Calendar function, so that instead of typing out the date, you can simply click and load the date that way. The first issue I am having with this is that again, it adds it in the American date format rather than the required UK format. How can I force the calendar to input in the UK format?

And finally, I can get the calendar to add the date in perfectly fine when it is only needed in one box. But I need the ability to add it into up to 3, and these dates will all be different.

I found the code below to allow the calendar input to be used in multiple text boxes:

Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
frmAction.ActiveControl.Value = Calendar1.Value

End Sub
But this throws up an error as well: run time error '438' Object doesn't support this property or method. It seems to having an issue with the .Value part.

Sorry for such a long post.

Any help is appreciated