
I have a data ranged, formatted as table in excel 2013. Each row consists of 6 cells:
- the first cell holds the name of a company;
- the next two cells hold data about the company;
- the fourth cell holds again that company's name;
- the next two cells hold again some data;

My problem - sometimes I want to do the following: shift the first three or the second three cells up or down. In a normal data range (not formatted as a table) I would do the following:
- insert an empty row above the cells to be shifted above;
- select the three cells and move them to the empty row;
- select the old three cells which are not empty and hit delete. At this point Excel would ask me what exactly I want to delete, I would choose shift cells up.

However, if I do these steps in a table, Excel does not provide the functionality "shift cells up", but instead just deletes the whole row. It doesn't matter that I have selected only the three cells, the whole row is gone. What is the proper way of shifting cells up and down in an Excel table?

Thank you!