Macro to copy textbox data to a duplicate textbox in another worksheet

I have a workbook with two macro enabled worksheets, Sheet1Quotation, Sheet2Acceptance, Sheet2 is a straight copy of Sheet1 i just renamed it as Acceptance, so both are identical apart from the footers on each that do vary, both sheets have six TextBoxes named as TextBox 1 - TextBox 6 again they are of identical size and position on the two sheets. What i want is to automatically fill in the textboxes in sheet 2 as i enter text in the textboxes on sheet 1 to save me having to retype or copy/paste the information again in sheet 2. i use these two forms every day and it would save a lot of time. I have tried varoius methods and codes as suggested by members here and other forums, none work. Would it make a difference if the textboxes were inserted from the shapes sub menu rather that the text sub menu as i think i used that method on inserting some textboxes ? also i have seen some code references which mention "Shapes" in the code as well as the sheet and textbox reference, or would it be easier to have all the text copied to sheet 2 with a command button once sheet 1 boxes are all complete ? HELP.