Hi --

I am trying to split the data collected from an online form (in a .csv file which imports into Excel without any problems) from a single long row into multiple rows in a spreadsheet. The data is as follows:

FirstName, LastName, Address, City, State, ZIP, Event Date, Artwork #1: Title, Artwork #1: Medium, Artwork #1: Size, Artwork #1: Price, Artwork #2: Title, Artwork #2: Medium, Artwork #2: Size, Artwork #2: Price, (and so on through Artwork #10). I would like to have one record for each numbered artwork, so up to 10 records for each person who submits artwork for the event. So, the original record looks something like this:

John, Doe, 123 Main Street, Chicago, IL, 60606, 02222013, Untitled Self Portrait, Digital Photography, 21"x27", $400, Autumn Beginnings, Digital Photography, 17"x23", $300

And I would like the end result to look like this:

John, Doe, 123 Main Street, Chicago, IL, 60606, 02222013, Untitled Self Portrait, Digital Photography, 21"x27", $400
John, Doe, 123 Main Street, Chicago, IL, 60606, 02222013, Autumn Beginnings, Digital Photography, 17"x23", $300

I would GREATLY appreciate the code to make this happen. I am trying to get the collected data into a usable format for reporting.
Thank you so much for your help!