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VBA for mail merging defined pieces of data

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    VBA for mail merging defined pieces of data

    Hi all,
    I've attached the ss for this problem, and a copy of the word doc with the merge in.

    The ss is to log marks achieved by students on a practice exam paper. I log their mark for each question in the sheet "Tracking by Question". Columns AT:CB show the question number if the mark in columns B:AK is 0. Column CC then populates a 'list' of the question numbers where students scored 0.

    This data all feeds into the sheet GCSE Paper 1, which is used for the merge. Columns G:J in this sheet contain text feedback which is also merged.

    What I need to do:
    - The mark scheme for each question (suggested answers) is in the sheet 'Mark Scheme'.
    - The question number is in column A and the answer in column B

    I need the data merged from each row in the sheet 'GCSE Paper 1' on a new page (in the table I have created).

    - I want to merge the answers for questions that students scored 0, and have this data below the merge table I have set up in the word document
    - (this data is in the 'tracking by question sheet'
    - Ideally I would like this in two columns so that most will fit on one page
    - I have attached an example of what I hope it can look like

    I don't know where to start on this one, so any help would be greatly appreciated!!

    Many Thanks ,


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