I have a VBA code, which copies information from different cells into appropriate columns. I also have option buttons and what I require is the Alternative Text of the radio buttons to be copied into a column A2 onwards. Everytime, I click a radio button, an error shows up "saying that the macro option button click cannot be found". The following is my code (I only posted the option button portion of my code as the rest of it works fine). Any help is greatly appreciated! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  If Sheets("Database").Shapes("Option Button 111").Select.Value = xlOn Then
   Range(Worksheets("Database").Range("A2:A" & lastRowColA)).Value = Sheets("Database").Shapes("Option Button 111").AlternativeText
   ElseIf Sheets("Database").Shapes("Option Button 112").Select.Value = xlOn Then
   Range(Worksheets("Database").Range("A2:A" & lastRowColA)).Value = Sheets("Database").Shapes("Option Button 112").AlternativeText
End If