Hello – and thank you for your time in reading my question ,

i have the master file master.xls that have in the A column the "products sku" and i have 4 diferent files (xls and csv) the lists of my distributors ,
my problem is that i want to import to my master.xls the availability and the product price of the lists of my distributors .
all of the lists have product sku in a column and product price and product avail. in other columns .

i have used vlookup for only one list like the example down , but i cant make it for multiple files .
=VLOOKUP(A1;'C:\aparetita\ESHOP\eshop updates\listes\sun\[export.csv]export'!$A:$AE;2;FALSE)
=VLOOKUP(A1;'C:\aparetita\ESHOP\eshop updates\listes\enet\[enet.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1:$J$65536;2;FALSE)

Thank in advance.