I have this macro that seems to have a quirk where it is not looking through all the columns that are selected. This is looking for keywords and changing the font to bold red type for just those keywords in a cell. It works but am now seeing that it is not looking through all the columns selected in the range. Any thoughts of what you see could be the problem is greatly appreciated.

Sub TestMultipleColumn()
Dim r As Range, LastRow As Long
Dim rs As Range
 Dim v As Variant, s As String
 Dim TextEntry As String
 Dim Msg As String
 Dim Entry As String
 Dim x As Long, where As Long
 Dim Rng As Range
 Dim CellCount As String
 Set rs = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select the Column for Lookup", Title:="Range Select", Type:=8)
 rs.Name = "Lookup"

 Msg = "Separate Each Keyword or String with a Comma (ex. string1,string2)"
 TextEntry = InputBox(Msg)
LastRow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Entry = TextEntry
v = Split(Entry, ",")
For Each r In Range("Lookup")
     For x = 0 To UBound(v)
         If InStr(1, r.Value, v(x), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
         where = InStr(1, r.Value, v(x), vbTextCompare)
         With r
             .Characters(Start:=where, Length:=Len(v(x))).Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
             .Characters(Start:=where, Length:=Len(v(x))).Font.ColorIndex = 3
         End With
         End If
 Next r
     Exit Sub

End Sub