
I have two tables:


Name    Country Place_of_visit  Return_date
A   United States   Los Angeles 2/27/2013
B   United Arab Emirates    DUBAI   2/21/2013
C   Puerto Rico San Juan    2/28/2013
D   United States   Los Angeles 2/27/2013
E   United States   Boston  2/27/2013
F   Malaysia    Kulalampur  3/1/2013
G   United Arab Emirates    DUBAI   2/15/2013
H   Malaysia    Kulalampur  3/15/2013
I   United States   Los Angeles 2/27/2013
and Company_presence

Country City
United States   Los Angeles
United Arab Emirates    DUBAI
United States   Boston
I need to compare the 'Travellers_Report' table's 'Place_of_visit' field to 'Company_presence' table's 'City field' and get the count.

Expected output is:
Country               Place_of_visit    Count
United States         Los Angeles       3
United Arab Emirates  DUBAI             2
United States         Boston            1
SELECT sub.company_Presence.Facility, Count(company_Presence.Facility) AS CityCount FROM (SELECT Travellers_report.*, company_Presence.Location, company_Presence.Facility from Travellers_report,company_Presence WHERE Travellers_report.Return_Date >= #2/20/2013# AND Travellers_report.Return_Date <=#2/27/2013# and Travellers_report.Place_of_Visit = company_Presence.Facility) AS sub GROUP BY sub.company_Presence.Facility
This query gets me the result for 'Travellers_report.Place_of_Visit = company_Presence.Facility'
How to change this query to get records that are not matching? 'Travellers_report.Place_of_Visit <> company_Presence.Facility' is not showing the correct result.

In short:
1.Need to show the count of travellers reg to location where the company presence is there. in one listbox (is working with the above query)
2.Need to show the count of travellers reg to location where the company presence is NOT there (<> not working)

Pls suggest some solutions....