Hi All
I quite often get sent spreadsheets with lots of swimmers times on them but the creator of the sheets have not been using the correct format for time.
As with swimming we very rarely go over into hours I always format my columns as MM:SS.00, the 00 being 10ths and 100ths, but most of the time I get sent the times formatted with . instead of : between the MM & SS so it is sent to me as 5.17.86 instead of 5:17.86 if I then change the format of the column it ends up with a very strange time as you would expect.
could a macro be written to scroll through a range of columns and change them from 5.17.86 to 5:17.86?
just to make things a bit more complicated in some races the swimmers are quicker than 1 minute and again the in putter has stuffed up again as the resulting format should be 00:32.19 but they have only supplied a format of 32.19 obviously this will cause an issue with any macro that wants to just change a . to a : or look at the first 2 digits then insert a : and so on.
Oh and to make things more complicated there are some cells within columns that are blank and will need to stay blank
I have written some macros over the years but this is quite a bit above me I think, Cant even think where to start.
I may also be being really stupid as there maybe a very easy way to do this using different calculations and formats, if there is please enlighten me.
The attached sheet shows the wrong format in red and changed (by hand) in green for you to see on the sheet. the whole point of it is to be able to calculate differences in time on this particular sheet but occasionally I need to do more with the times, using my format of MM:SS.00 I can do all the calcs I require.
I sometimes get sent 4 or 5 sheets with over 1000 times to sort so really need to find a way of doing this, it can either just over write the original time or create another column to put the changed time into it.
Thanks in advance