Hello. I am trying to use VBA to create an advanced filter, and having a problem because of the boolean order for the filter criteria (i.e.:
72 150 red
73 160 green
= 170 blue
Returns: 72 AND 150 AND red OR 73 AND 160 AND green OR "BLANK" AND 170 AND blue.)

What I am looking for would be some way to return:
72 OR 73 OR "BLANK" AND 150 OR 160 OR 170 AND red OR green OR blue. Note that I have also included a blank as my spreadsheet has several areas where there are blanks, and I don't want to filter them out because of the blank (I only want to filter because a cell doesn't match the filter criteria, not because it is blank).

The filter code that I am using in VBA is:
Sub FilterData()
Sheets("RawData").Range("$A$2:$T$159").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:= _
Sheets("FILTER CATEGORIES").Range("B2:H16"), CopyToRange:=Sheets("Filter").Range("B15"), Unique:=True
End Sub
Thank you for any guidance you can give me!