Hi All,

I am trying to create a userform that has a date range in it. So when you select a date range ie (from:to) then click the confirmation button. The macro should then search through another tab in the excel workbook and return only the rows of data associated with the inputted date range.

Its easy enough to create the userform, but how do i get it to do what i want?

any examples of codes would be appreciated



I'll give another example we have a logging spreadsheet that contains the name of firm, date information recieved, date information was due, other information. (these are the column headers)

now i want to add a command button and userform that allows me to input a date range and then click "go". the macro should run and retrieve all the firms that fall within my specified date

also i want to have another one off button that says "late submissions" this button, when pressed, should retrieve all the firms whose 'date information recieved' is later than the 'date information was due'

hope that is somewhat clear cheers!