Hi all,

I have an excel document which i've been playing with and i need to be able to get a selection from the spreadsheet and special paste it as a picture into a new document created from my word template. I have a code that opens word but no document or anything opens it is just the standard new document page from word. Im new at vba coding so this code has been patched together from sources ive found all over the shop.
Thank you in advance!!

Sub Openspecificword()

Dim word As Object
Dim doc As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set word = GetObject(, "word.application") 'gives error 429 if Word is not open
If Err = 429 Then
Set word = CreateObject("word.application")
'creates a Word application
End If
word.Visible = True
Set doc = word.document.Add("/Volumes/Mac HDD/Me/Documents/Invoice.dotx")

End Sub