Hi there!
Let me start by saying I'm quite new to VBA/macros, but I have a problem which I believe I could solve using progamming.

Here's the thing:
I have on collumn A unique names (think S1, S2, S3, S4, S5...), and on collumn B I have some flags, which are linked to the unique names, but not one for one. It's like, S1, S2 and S3 all have F1 on collumn B, and S4, S5, S6, S7 and S8 all have F2 on collumn B, and so on.

I also have a list with all the different flags on another worksheet, and this is what I want: when I choose a flag on this list, let's say F4, I want excel to take all the unique names to the left of the cells that contains F4, which are on collumn A, and plot a bar graph with names on x axis and a number which is on T collumn on Y axis....

That's pretty much it, hope I could make myself clear, and I don't really know if it's actually possible to do what I want, but I think it should be...

Thanks for the help,