Hi all - VBA beginner here. I am using excel to keep track of transactions in my checking account (Col. A = Date, Col. B = Description, Col. C = Amt, Col. D = Balance). Column A then will be in sequential order, but will not contain every date, and will contain the same date multiple times. I'd like to be able to automatically enter my next paycheck. My thought was to find the date of the last "Paycheck" entry, add 14 days to it, and highlight the cell in Col. A where the new date would fall. I've pasted my current code, mostly based on google search results that I tried to modify for my application. Haven't had any luck yet. Any help would be appreciated.

Sub datefind()
    Selection.Find(What:="Paycheck", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
        :=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:= _
        False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Range("A1").Activate
    Dim LastCheck As Range
    Dim R As Range
    Dim LastDiff As Date
    Dim LastCell As Range
    Set LastCheck = DateValue(ActiveCell.Value+14)
    LastDiff = DateSerial(9999, 1, 1)
    For Each R In Range("A2:A10000")
        If Abs(R.Value - LastCheck) < LastDiff Then
            Set LastCell = R
            LastDiff = Abs(R.Value - LastCheck)
        End If
    Next R
End Sub