I want to develop a GUI for a Pavement Management System. PMS is a tool for decision makers about the pavement.

we have road section 2101, 2102, 2103,.........etc,

different pavement treatment alternatives are
A, B, C, D, E

and their unit costs are 1,2,3,4,5

[U]Details that I want to incorporate in GUI are :-

For each pavement section user have to enter the following details

(1) The user have to enter Pavement Condition data
In pavement condition data user have to enter SN, MSN, RF

(2) The user have to enter traffic data
In traffic data user have to enter Tveh/day, CESAL

(3) The user have to enter Periodical data
In perodical data user have to enter SDR, PCI, IRI

(4) The user have to enter distress data
In distress data the user have to enter RUT, CRA, LD, RAV, PH

(5) Budget available

(6) Priority ranking of pavement section
In this the user have to select the rank from the choice
( if total vehicle/day <500=0.8,500-1000=0.9,>1000=1.0)

(7) the GUI should give the result i.e A, B, C, D, E
(by calculating
if CRA < 3 , result A
if 3< CRA < 6 , result B
if CRA > 3 , result C
if RAV < 3 , result A
if 3< RAV < 6 , result B
if RAV > 3 , result C
f IRI < 3 , result A
if 3< IRI < 6 , result B
if IRI > 3 , result C
f LD < 3 , result A
if 3< LD < 6 , result B
if LD > 3 , result C
f RUT< 3 , result A
if 3< RUT < 6 , result B
if RUT> 3 , result C
f PH < 3 , result A
if 3< PH < 6 , result B
if PH > 3 , result C


Expenditure = sum of (result * unit cost)

COMPARE total Expenditure and Budget

IF (total Expenditure < Budget)

show result as

for each section

else show "Budget < Cost"

I am a beginner. So please help me in writing macros.