Working in Excel 2010..

Currently working on a report, which should be sent to clients directly from Excel.
By the end of my current code, I would like the macro to add a sort of "waterstamp" (a picture) which will be used as a digital signature.
The macro must identify which picture to move to the report, depending on the name of the user who created the report (manual input by user)

I'm creating the report:

In cell M2 I enter my name "Joakim Svensson".
Based on this, the macro must find my picture (named: JSV) and copy from wks3 to wks"report" to cell I1.

In case Mr X creates the report:
In cell M2 he will enter "MRX"
Then macto shall find the picture named "MRX" and copy to worksheet "report" range I1.

(Even better would be if the code also could secure that the picture is sized as per the cell..)

I've googled alot, and tried many different codes - but I'm not able to get the functionality I need.
Do you know if this is possible, if so - how?
Anyone who might have a sample code I can try - or even better, a code which would do all this for me

Many thanks in advance // Joakim