Hi there.

I'm trying to make a userform which will come up with a list of all sheets in the workbook (both hidden and unhidden) such that when you click on the name of a sheet the sheet is then selected.

Essentially I'm trying to create a contents page.

The code I have so far will populate the Userform with the names of the sheets:

Sub addLabels()

UserForm1.Show vbModeless
Dim theLabel As Object
Dim n As Long
Dim m As Integer

m = Worksheets.Count

For n = 1 To m

sheetname = Worksheets(n).Name

    Set theLabel = UserForm1.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "Sheet" & n, True)
    With theLabel
        .Caption = sheetname
        .Left = 12
        .Width = 234
        .Top = 40 + 14 * n
    End With

End Sub

This code works and the spacing is good. Now I want to add a macro to each label which goes along the lines of :

sub label_n()
if worksheets(n).hidden=true then
end if
end sub
Suggestions on adding this code dynamically?