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Dynamic / Interactive Table with active highlighted cursor

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2003

    Dynamic / Interactive Table with active highlighted cursor

    Hi All,
    Attached is a Issues / Tracking Log i'm creating.
    Most of the structure is built and the basics are in place such as, double click on a date in the calendar and it creates a new entry in the log as well as highlights the calendar, a validation list is in place for a specific cell, i have a delete feature, and a feature where the user can move the selected record up or down through the table.

    A few issues i would like help with is:

    You can see a yellow highlighted cell in the "Log" sheet, i would like that to be a Cursor feature for that table, so what ever row is selected, it would light up yellow and move gracefully with the pointer in cell A. an important element would be to restore the active record back to the current styling and format of the table.

    Also, if anyone could give me any pointers on how to grow the table keeping the borders and lines intact, currently there are 30 or sol blank rows in the table area, the table area is defined by the colour, but if the user inputs a lot of entried i would like this to grow, but if entries are deleted, display a minimum of 30 rows.

    i know i went in to detail here but if anyone as seen/done this in the past then i would really appreciate some help on the VBA and or Logic behind the methods.

    Thanks for looking

    Data Issue Log.zip

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2003

    Re: Dynamic / Interactive Table with active highlighted cursor

    I will continue to look through the forum for answers, i understand this is quite difficult.

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