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Combine information from several rows into one - Excel Macro Version Needed

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  1. #1
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    Combine information from several rows into one - Excel Macro Version Needed

    Hello all,

    I have spent most of the day looking for an Excel Macro solution for basically the same issue as in the linked OpenOffice forum below. I am OK at manually creating and modifying code I find around the net for my own purposes, but I am just not sure about the syntax differences between MS Office and OpenOffice. Any help to convert the solution provided would be great. I have just under 7000 lines in my file and my data goes from columns A to R where A is 'key' field (like in the linked example).


    Thank you for taking a look,

  2. #2
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    Re: Combine information from several rows into one - Excel Macro Version Needed


    I used to mess around with OpenOffice years ago, mostly database stuff.

    If you could, in your own words, try to explain what you want to accomplish and post some of the data you are wroking with.


  3. #3
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    Re: Combine information from several rows into one - Excel Macro Version Needed

    Hi cplmckenzie,

    Thank you for taking a look at this. My scenario is basically the same as what the user metis had on the OpenOffice forum, but I need it for an Excel file. Basically I started with a data set of a header and then a variable amount of data under that header (figure A) of the attached. I would really like to get it into a table format (figure D). So far I was able to move the values over to their own columns (figure B) and then copy the header values down to the next header value (figure C) so that each value is linked to the header key field. It don’t necessarily need what is in figure B or figure C, I only want to show you how I was trying to go about things. I have yet to address the ‘value x:’ that is in the same cell as ‘value a’.

    Thanks again,


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