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Excel VBA - Step Into with F8 starting in Form.Show

  1. #1
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    Excel VBA - Step Into with F8 starting in Form.Show


    Is there a way to Step Into with F8 in the code with a Form.Show? I have a form called uform1 with a simple text box with "user" and "password", and I want to step into the code using the following sample code:

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    When I run the above code with F8, and I try to insert the "username" in the form, the processing stops and marks as yellow the following part of the code which was generated automatically:

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    Can anyone help me, please? Looks like it is not possible to step into when there is a form?

    Thanks a lot!

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Excel VBA - Step Into with F8 starting in Form.Show

    Hello trizzo,

    If you want to examine your code at a particular point then use the Stop statement in your code. In this case, you would insert Stop somewhere in your UserForm's code. This will pause the macro until you press F5.
    Leith Ross

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  3. #3
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Excel VBA - Step Into with F8 starting in Form.Show

    You can also use the Immediate Window to set/change your variables directly without going to the form.
    Ben Van Johnson

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