Hi all,

The problem im facing is once i apply a marco to filter out all the irrelevant columns, I need to paste the columns left over to a different spreadsheet. As the data which is filtered comes from another database with many users, the order of the columns will change. Im hoping to add on this process to the macro which filters the data. I’ve pasted the macro im using to filter below.

Sub DelColumnNotInList()
Dim LastCol As Double
Dim ColCtr As Double
LastCol = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For ColCtr = 1 To LastCol
If InStr("Trade Id Trade Date Start Date End Date Deal Price Counterparty Buy Sell Total Energy Total Cost", Cells(1, ColCtr).Text) = 0 Then
Cells(1, ColCtr).EntireColumn.Delete
ColCtr = ColCtr - 1
End If
Next ColCtr
End Sub