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VBA: Read date and paste the date info on the correct cell. Analyse code please.

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    VBA: Read date and paste the date info on the correct cell. Analyse code please.

    Hi all,

    I'm having a big problem that I cannot solve. I have an Excell worksheet1 with assorted data with the correspondence of a date time. The increment is one hour. For each data time I have one value.

    In worksheet two, I have a organized data cells from 2000 until now, with every hours of the day. That means that I have thousands of rows with date. In this worksheet I want a VBA code that can read the correspondent value for each date in the worksheet1, and paste it on the correct date that it is on worksheet2.

    That means that the code must read date format cells. I've trying my best to try to get this working, but I just don't have knowledge to do that.

    In the little example that is attached you can see the macro code that is written. I do not know why the code freezes my computer, and when it finishes I have no results on it..

    In this example I want that the VBA code read the date time in 1st worksheet, get the data of the correspondent B column and then past it on the correct cell date in cell B of worksheet2. I know that I'm not expressing myself in the better way. But if you give a quick look at the code you will understand what I want.

    Please any help appreciated.

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