Hi All

I have had a look for a vba solution but the one I thought might work doesn't quite function how I need. My problem:

I have two workbooks these are 'cumulative' files which show transactions for the week (approx 7000 rows, 30+ columns). What I am looking to do is look at the current week and previous week and extract to new worksheet the differences (new transactions for current week). I don't have one unique column which could be used I have to compare two columns (Invoice number = column CP , and line number = column CQ). So what I am looking to do is look at columns CP & CQ and if they don't match copy that complete row into a new worksheet.

I can copy all data into one workbook : sheet 1 = Prevoius Transactions, sheet 2 = Current Transactions, sheet 3 = New transactions

ps: I'm no VBA genius - so please be gentle
