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How to create a save button with vba

  1. #1
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    How to create a save button with vba

    Ok I am completely new to excel and I was wondering if anyone knows how to save A worksheet as a new workbook with the naming convention: SheetName_(CustomerNo_DD.MM.YYYY). Is it possible for this to be accomplished through vba?

    Thank you to anyone that can help me.
    Last edited by Rob1236; 05-10-2013 at 02:47 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Save Button

    You say that you wish to save a worksheet (as opposed to an entire existing workbook) as a new workbook. If you wish to save just this worksheet as a new workbook, what you can do is to right click on the sheet name tab, select the "Move or Copy" option, and in the dropdown menu, select the option that asks that Excel create a new copy onto a new workbook. Then you can save this new workbook as its own file with the naming convention that you stated.

    Note: You should be aware that if there are any formulas on the sheet you are trying to save as a new workbook, then it might be better to just go to the File menu and select "Save As" (after which you can save as your new naming convention).

  3. #3
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    Re: Save Button

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    1. Use code tags for VBA. [code] Your Code [/code] (or use the # button)
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  4. #4
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    Re: Save Button

    hello, thanks for the advice I was in a rush when I created this thread so didnt have time to look at the forum rules (sorry!). Anyways I have renamed the thread.

  5. #5
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    Re: Save Button

    Thank you for replying, your solution worked perfectly I was wondering if it was possible to do it via VBA? I have attempted it but it does not work correctly as I can't get the naming convention to appear.

  6. #6
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    Re: Save Button

    You can do this through VBA. I recorded a macro just to see what the code looks like, cleaned up the code a bit, and here it is.

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    it worked for me. Let me know if it works for you. Once you get the sheet copied to a new workbook, then you can (manually) save it in accordance with your naming convention.
    Last edited by Dimitrov; 05-11-2013 at 01:15 AM.

  7. #7
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    Re: How to create a save button with vba

    You can do this through VBA. I recorded a macro just to see what the code looks like, cleaned up the code a bit, and here it is.

    Sub NewSheet()


    End Sub
    it worked for me. Let me know if it works for you. Once you get the sheet copied to a new workbook, then you can (manually) save it in accordance with your naming convention.

    I tried your code and it worked great! much less complex than the code I was using, I added the following line to the code which it almost worked:

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    It seem to have worked before but for some reason it just stopped.

  8. #8
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    Re: How to create a save button with vba

    I am not sure if this is what you are looking for, but the code below saves the file using the name of the active tab. It uses the name property of the ActiveSheet object. Of course, since I am using my own computer, the directory to which I am saving the file is C:\Users\Documents\VBA\Projects\005 - SaveAsSheetName\. You will have to key in the pathname of the directory in your computer in which you wish to save the file. The upshot is that you name your tab whatever you like, and the procedure saves the file using the name of the tab.

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