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search with miltiple criteria on other sheet

  1. #1
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    search with miltiple criteria on other sheet

    hi guys

    first sorry for my english

    i need some help

    in first sheet (tr) have a table with 2 parameters: "ids" (A5) and "s" (B1:B8), the second sheet (data) is a data sheet contains 3 datas: "s", "ids", "zat". now on first sheet to the "zat" collumn need to past the value from "zat" collumn on data sheet where "ids" collumn macthing with A5 from first sheet and "s" collum mathing with "s" data from the first sheet.

    any idea?

    again: sorry for my english

    Last edited by pumuklie; 05-13-2013 at 09:45 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: multiple criteria

    This is how I understand your request.
    In sheet tr,column A, you have ids,column B, s
    In sheet data,column A, you have ids,column B, s
    If both columns match, you want to return column C from sheet data, in to column C of sheet tr.
    You have merged cells in sheet tr. If I unmerged the cells, you end up with 6a7860 in A5, but B5 is nil.
    Unless you want to return based on ids only, how are going to match A5 of sheet tr with sheet data if B5 is nil?
    You have
    edn 2 6a7860
    edn 3 6a7860

    In sheet data, but there is no match with sheet tr (6a7860) is fine, but there is no value(Zero) in column B5.
    If you could get filled column B of sheet tr, it is easy to match columns and rows, but as it is now, you have one value only in column A5, but the cells in column B are out of line.
    I hope you understand the issue.

  3. #3
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: multiple criteria

    Hi and welcome to the forum

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  4. #4
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    Re: multiple criteria

    Thanks for answer.

    how I understand your answer problem coused by formating, and a one constant criteria and position of criteria?

    if yes, its not a problem. Have a possible to chnage it all.

  5. #5
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    Re: search with miltiple criteria on other sheet

    No body can reply to your request until you change the title of the thread as per moderators request. See post#3

  6. #6
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: search with miltiple criteria on other sheet

    1st, unmerge the cells C:G, and for future reference, try to avoid using merged cells, they cause more trouble than they are worth.
    next, in C2, use this array formula, copied down...
    ...confirmed by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER to activate the array. You will know the array is active when you see curly braces { } appear around your formula. If you do not CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER you will get an error or a clearly incorrect answer. Press F2 on that cell and try again.

  7. #7
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    Re: multiple criteria

    I solved problem.

    I created a help table, combined these to parameters to one cell in both sheets, and then with wlookup function easy to find necessary data.

    thanks for help

  8. #8
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: search with miltiple criteria on other sheet

    Based on your last post it seems that you are satisfied with the solution(s) you've received but you haven't marked your thread as SOLVED. If your problem has not been solved you can use Thread Tools (located above your first post) and choose "Mark this thread as unsolved".

    Also, as a relatively new member of the forum, you may not be aware that you can thank those who have helped you by clicking the small star icon located in the lower left corner of the post in which the help was given. By doing so you can add to the reputation(s) of those who helped.

  9. #9
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    Re: search with miltiple criteria on other sheet

    See attached.
    If the match is based on column A only, you do need a code for this task. A simple lookup or match and index will do the job.
    However, if the match is based on two columns matching try the attached code.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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